Clawdeen Wolf as Wonder Wolf
This full set is a Target exclusive set sadly, though there is no release date out yet for Frankie and Toralei's power dolls. These recently came out, I believe back in November with the large amount of doll sets that came out for the Holidays. These are available on Amazon but in short supply and of course they are more expensive because they are exclusives. However currently you can still get these on the Target website, Spectra's item page is here and Clawdeen's item page is here .
To begin with, I just have to say the way the dolls are displayed in their boxes is amazing. I love how Clawdeen is bursting through a wall while Spectra is phasing through one. It makes me wonder how Frankie and Toralei will be, its definitely going to be interesting. The dolls come with something a bit different, they have their usual stands and brushes but they also have a short comic book that explains how they became super heros. Spectra is the first her book showing how it begins, and in Clawdeen's when she becomes Wonderwolf there is a silhouette of Polterghoul saying that it was time for Clawdeen to join them. So it seems we have gotten the beginning and the end of the comic series, or that at least one other ghoul already has her powers. I would say if its just one it will most likely be Frankie, I think Toralei will end up being a villian she reminds me of Cat Woman.
I personally think these dolls are gorgeous, even if I'm not a fan of the yellow-ish green in Clawdeen's hair. The outfits are simplistic but fitting of as super hero, and Spectra's cape of chains is perfect for her. These dolls are amazing and perfect for people who are fans of comics as well. After all Wonderwolf is of course based on Wonder Woman, and it is said Spectra is based on Super Girl. There are even rumors that Frankie is going to be based on the Flash! Not only that in the comic book there is a second villian besides Toralei, this one actually being a doll that has never been made, the Daughter of Arachne.
I highly recommend getting these dolls, they're gorgeous and perfect for Monster High fans. As the other two dolls are released I will be doing a review of them when I can get them, to keep up on the news of that make sure to join us on our Facebook Page.